who am i
Gloryfy and excellent be ALLAH SWC who giv the intelligency than i can differentiate with vices and virtues. My name is zaid omar mohamed uusuf and I am currently following a course at wep dveloping . and i was in born in mogadisho-somalia 8 augost 1999 . i borned the warta nabada district but i growed up boondheere district . i finished the field of holy qu'raan 2017.and also i graduated my hight school 2017-2018 and also i graduated from the one of the farmers schools in the city . know as wiil waal primary and secondry school. now i attended university of somalia which located the junction of WARSHADAHA i joined the university AUGOST 8 2018 when i graduated the height school. I choosd faculty of computer science thought it is one of the makes me enjoy. and i probably would like to be first issue wep developer. second brogramer. bcoz every body has specily ampition. now i am semester 6. the corse of html i perepared differnt filds. after hard work ALLAH SWC makes me easy to develop usefull wepsite. the reason i selected it is growthing day by day. really i can't conclude. my dream whith one bage. one of the my biggest dream is to make fruitable things what learned which means the field if it if ALLAH makes me easy.